German School Association
The German School Association Malaysia (DSM), established in 1979 is the responsible body for the German School Kuala Lumpur (DSKL) with the objective to operate the school which provides general education as well as Kindergarten and pre-school to German and German-speaking students. The German School Association Malaysia is a non-profit organization with the highest body being the General Assembly. The members of DSM are mainly parents of our students, however, we are pleased to also welcome and appreciate the support of parents of former DSKL students.
At the Annual General Meeting the overall financial statement, among other matters, will be presented and the budget for the upcoming school year adopted. The members of the German School Association elect the Board as their representatives for a period of two years at the General Assembly; the Board works in close collaboration with the school management.
DSM Board Members
Andreas Winnen
Harald Reising
Andy Gebauer
Jan Erth
Mikko Gastager
Board Member
Miriam Shastri
Board Member