Our Primary School
Currently there are about 70 children attending Primary School in Years 1 – 4, a very small and family like environment indeed.
The Primary School is well embedded in a manageable school community. In order to strengthen social cohesion and creating a trusting learning environment for our children to develop their full potential, we organize projects and joint festivities across campus.
Our class rooms are equipped with state of the art teaching facilities and learning takes place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We apply a variety of open pedagogical concepts and teaching methodologies based on our conviction, that such an approach will meet our heterogenic student population’s diverse learning requirements and aptitudes in the best possible way.
In Primary School we know every single child and strive to foster each child as an individual to ensure she/he will feel welcome and at home in our school community.
Hints to school enrolment
The beginning of an exciting journey into the world of learning and inquiry begins with enrolment into DSKL.
At Primary School we aim at nurturing and promoting the children’s high level of enthusiasm. We are committed to educate and guide the children entrusted to us to be considerate and mindful with one another and promote autonomous and self-responsible learning. All children who have reached the age of 6 years by 1st August of the current calendar year and have adequate German language skills are eligible to be admitted into Year 1.
The Primary School plays a vital role as a link between Kindergarten and Secondary School by ensuring a smooth transition from Pre-school to Primary School and from Primary School to Secondary School. This transition is assured through numerous joint discussions and projects across different levels. A special cooperation teacher of Primary School takes on the teaching tasks in Pre-school, special subject teachers assume both teaching in Primary School as well as in Secondary School.
The Primary School comprises Years 1 – 4. On completion of Year 4 students will transfer to the orientation phase, as no decision on the student’s further school career will be made at this stage. Such a decision will only be made during the first half of Year 6. The curriculum is based on the guidelines of the German state Thuringia and the educational standards laid out for German Schools Abroad.
Germand as a second language – Deutsch als Zweitsprache (DaZ)
In Primary School we aim at meeting our student’s diverse learning requirements by providing a wide selection of fostering and challenging programs.
In this endeavor we are supported by our teaching assistants. Such fostering and challenging sessions are particularly recommended by our special education teacher for children with special educational needs but also for especially gifted children.
Students with first language other than German will attend lessons of German as a Foreign Language for three hours per week. These lessons are taught in small learning groups. Apart from these language lessons, the children will also engage in language immersion programs twice a week in afternoon sessions.
The English language is already taught as part of the curriculum from Year 1 onwards. In Years 3 and 4 it will be taught at two levels. The fourth session of the Primary School timetable is reserved for the fostering and challenging programs on offer.
Apart from the language learning support program mentioned earlier, students may also choose reading support, German and mathematics tuition and focus sessions for further enhancing their skills. If the need arises we can assist you in organizing speech therapy sessions for your child. This special support will be integrated into the regular time table whenever possible.